Influence of Activation Methods on Properties of Composite Binding Materials

Number of journal: №7-2017

Khudyakova L.I.
Voiloshnikov O.V.


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The influence of activation methods on the properties of composite binders with the addition of basalt has been studied. It is established that the mechanical mixing of components doesn’t contribute to obtaining the cement stone with high strength properties. When the raw charge is mechanically activated, the high developed chemically active surface of the treat- ed material is formed and the process of its hydration is accelerated. Physical-mechanical characteristics of materials obtained reach the highest values. The samples of binders mechanically activated during 15 minutes and containing 30% of basalt have the best indexes. The process of hydro-mechanical activation depends on the amount of the liquid phase and content of the additive, optimum values of which are 30% and 20% respectively. Ultrasound treatment of the raw charge leads to the instability of the formed spatial structure of the binder. It is confirmed by the low hydration activity and, consequently, low strength values
L.I. KHUDYAKOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
O.V. VOILOSHNIKOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

Baikal Institute of Nature Management Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of sciences (BINM SB RAS) (6, Sakhyanovoy Street, 670047, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Khudyakova L.I., Voiloshnikov O.V. Influence of activation methods on properties of composite binding materials. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction materials]. 2017. No. 4, pp. 64–67. DOI: (In Russian)