Modernization of Housing Module Prefabrication Plants

Number of journal: №3-2016


УДК: 693.95


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
It is shown that the modernization of housing module prefabrication plants has some directions: modernization of molding equipment with improving its technical characteristics; enhancement of the production technology due to the optimal layout of equipment, improvement of concrete mixes compositions and conditions of thermal treatment. An example of the project of a housing module prefabrication plant producing 140 thousand m2 of total square of products of space unit house prefabrication made of light concrete per year is presented.
I.D. TESHEV, General Director (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
G.K. KOROSTELEVA, Chief Engineer of Designs,
M.A. POPOVA, Engineer-Technologist,
Yu.N. SHCHEDRIN, Deputy General Director

OOO «VKB-Engineering» (36 Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, 350000, Krasnodar, Russian Federation)

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