Thermal Non-Destructive Method for Control over Conditions of Building Structures of Underground Heating Mains

Number of journal: 6-2015

Tihomirov S.A.
Tihomirov A.L.
Sheina S.G.

УДК: 697.34:662.998


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Normative methods for the technical diagnostic of building, including heat insulating, structures of underground heating mains are considered. The thermal non-destructive method for diagnostics of trenchless heat lines is proposed, an algorithm of implementing the proposed method in practice is given. Ways of the solution of problems at the main stages of control conducting, such as the measurement of factual temperatures of soil surface (covering) over the laying with the use of thermal imaging equipment and the mathematical simulation of temperature fields of heating mains for different conditions of building structures and technological regimes, are described. The mathematical description of the heat transfer process in the «heating line – soil» system is given. The comparison of factual thermograms, obtained as a result of experimental approbation of the proposed method, with the results of numerical simulation is made.
S.A. TIHOMIROV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
A.L.TIHOMIROV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
S.G.SHEINA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)

Rostov State Building University (162,Socialisticheskaya Street, Rostov-on- Don, 344022, Russian Federation )

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For citation: Tihomirov S.A., Tihomirov A.L., Sheina S.G. Thermal Non-Destructive Method for Control over Conditions of Building Structures of Underground Heating Mains. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 6, pp. 26-29. DOI: